What is a Temporary Magnet? – Definition and Example

What is a Temporary Magnet?
What is a Temporary Magnet?

These days, there’s a vital role of the temporary magnets everywhere. But, the issue is that most of us do not have concise knowledge.

What is a temporary magnet?

Temporary magnet definition suggests that temporary magnet refers to the magnet that remains magnetized for only a small interval of time compared to the permanent magnet. That said, materials used for making temporary magnets are quite soft and usually have low magnetic properties compared to many other magnetic materials.

The temporary magnets do not have the electromagnetic flux applicable to such materials. These magnets become magnetized in the presence of the magnetic field only, and so they are vulnerable to losing the magnetism gradually. Whenever the magnetic field is reduced, they lose their magnetic abilities.

What are temporary magnets?- The definition

Temporary magnets are magnets that rely on outside forces to create their magnetic field. In other words, temporary magnets are dependent on stronger magnets to help them carry out magnetic functions.

Temporary magnets, generally made of very soft materials, can’t retain their magnetism without assistance from another magnet.

In this article, you will get to know more about what is a temporary magnet and its different aspects.

Highlight on the temporary magnets 

temporary magnets
temporary magnets

Whenever you hear the term temporary in magnetism, it becomes very difficult to make the educated idea. So it’s worth noting that a temporary magnet can only go ahead with creating the magnetic field through the presence of a strong magnet. It always requires the needed assistance for accepting the strength of the other objects.  

You will have to consider the temporary magnet and Electromagnet because it’s dependent on the electric current to function. Magnetic objects that can temporarily become magnets temporary magnets can come in various forms. You can have the Electromagnet depending on the electric current flowing through the coils inside the magnet.

Moreover, a little magnet can also be considered an artificial magnet because it finds creation by the network of electric wires. That said, it doesn’t require a more magnetizing process. On the other hand, you will be thinking about some of the basic materials that will be finding use every day in the form of temporary magnets. It comes inclusive of any kind of magnetic metal substance that can be easily turned into magnets.

However, it is always essential to note the temporary magnets can find creation through the strength of the stronger magnetic field. More specifically, it can be said that this is generally being done by bringing the object into direct contact with the stronger or permanent magnet.

Types of temporary magnets include simple temporary magnets like paperclips and nails and other temporary magnetic material-based soft iron items. Besides, large electromagnet picking up material is also a type of temporary magnet. 

What can be considered a temporary magnet?

Numerous elements fall under the category of temporary magnet:
1) Electromagnet (dependent on electric current for functioning)
2) Magnetic objects that temporarily become magnets

Temporary magnets are available in a variety of different forms. The electromagnet depends on an electric current to flow through the coils inside of the magnet to react with nearby objects.

The electromagnet is an artificial magnet, created by a network of electric wires, instead of a more organic magnetizing process.

On the other hand, some basic materials that you might use every day also exhibit features of temporary magnets including any kind of magnetic metal substance that can essentially be turned into a magnet for a short time, hence the term “temporary” magnet.

Temporary magnets are only able to exert this kind of force in certain controlled situations, and this is the reason the object in question will not retain its strength after the effects of the stronger magnet have worn off. It’s easy to create a magnet through the strength of a stronger magnetic field.

A difference between temporary magnet and permanent magnet

A difference between temporary magnet and permanent magnet
A difference between temporary magnet and permanent magnet

Whenever it comes to the magnets, usually two main categories are classified as permanent and temporary.

The permanent and temporary magnet comparison states that temporary magnets do not have the ability to retain the magnetic force on their own. On the other hand, permanent magnets always retain the magnetic force and the field.

The temperate magnet always requires another magnetic field for having the power. On the contrary, the permanent magnets do not require the force from the other magnet to have power.

Temporary magnets are always soft. Another name for a temporary magnet is a soft magnet or electromagnet, as there’s a need for the external magnetic field to magnetize and demagnetize the magnetic materials. Soft and malleable, and ductile materials make it soft. The permanent magnets are considered to be hard as well.

The comparison also suggests that the temporary magnets can always establish magnetic force with the help of the electric current. On the other hand, the permanent magnets are usually created with the strongest force, and the magnet will remain permanent for the longest time.

That said, it’s worth noting that the temporary magnets are generally weaker in all circumstances when compared to the permanent magnets.

Permanent magnets have the name permanent because the electrons inside the given object have been completely magnetized. For a better idea regarding the permanent magnets, it’s always worth considering the most basic disc magnet going on to the refrigerator.

Highlight on the aspects of temporary magnets 

Temporary magnets are always made from a soft metal and only retain their magnetism when they are brought in contact with the permanent magnet or the electronic current. The common temporary magnets come, inclusive of the paper clips or the nails. These units can be fixed or moved by the strongest magnet. There is yet another type of temporary magnet in the form of the Electromagnet, which will be retaining the magnetism only when the electric current is running through it.

Electromagnet always varies in strength and polarity and is usually composed of the coil wire within the iron core. Electromagnets always find use in common objects or complex objects like Motors.

Examples of temporary magnets in everyday life include the iron for the creation of the metal used for objects like nails, hammers, and paperclips.

Methods of making temporary magnets

Consider making the temporary magnet by following certain methods.

Making the virtual magnet 

The virtual magnets are the ones that are acquiring the magnetic properties from the permanent magnets only for some time. You can consider taking some magnetic material that is permanent and attach it to the Iron nails. The iron nail will have magnetic properties. When this iron nail is touching the other Iron nails, then the magnetic properties in the iron nail because the permanent magnet will be attracting The Other nail as well.

Making the Electromagnet that is the temporary magnet 

The magnets that find formation following the principle of electromagnetic induction are always referred to as temporary magnets. You will have to consider taking the iron nail, wrap the copper wire on it, and then go ahead with passing the electric charge through the iron nail.

At such a point, you will be noticing that the nail will be attracting the iron fillings that you have kept near it. While increasing the amount of the charge, you can see that it gets attracted. If the copper winding finds increase, this will also help bring about an increase in the magnetic properties. But as soon as you switch off the electric power, then it will use the magnetic property.

Making of the fake magnet 

Whenever you are conducting the simple home base experiment, you will require taking the parts of the Residue left after sharpening the pencil. Just rub the scale over the head, and you can see the charge will be getting developed on the scale.

Making the Permanent Magnet

The iron ore magnetite, referred to as a permanent magnet, is shaped in the laboratories. Later on, it finds use as the permanent magnet. Substance subjected to strong magnetic forces for an enhanced period starts behaving as a permanent magnet. For making a permanent magnet, you just need a source of strong magnetic force. With that, the substance can acquire permanent magnetic properties.

Magnet finds creation with electrons in the object, all pointing in the same direction. The common ways for creating the temporary magnet come inclusive of bringing the object close to the magnet, striking the object while in the magnetic field, and stroking the object on the magnet. The temporary magnet can also find created with the utilization of the electric field.

So, how to consider demagnetizing the temporary magnet?

The magnets are always intact in terms of properties when composition atoms In magnets are aligned with the north pole in one direction and the south pole in the other direction. When the atoms are not in the flexible direction, like when they are dropped on the floor or rubbed aggressively, then the object will be returning into its non-magnetic state. An example of temporary magnet is the paper clip and Iron nails that give up charge. Once the magnetic field is removed, they become in a normal state.

Where the temporary magnets are used in?

There are different uses of temporary magnets:

The temporary magnets can ensure helping separate the different types of metal base materials. That said, they find use to separate material made of metal in a scrapyard.

It can work in the form of electromagnets for conducting the electricity in Motors.

Temporary magnets can also find used in the crane for moving the larger and the weaker magnetic metals. Temporary magnets in cranes move magnetic objects from one place to other. It does so by lifting magnets.

Temporary magnets find use in communication purposes as well. These magnets in the old-fashioned telephone, alongside the updated versions of smartphones, play a major role.

Temporary magnets find used in electromagnets, electric motors, and telephones, and speakers.

Temporary magnets find use in making temporary electromagnets.

Temporary magnets ensure the addition of the new spin in the modern technology from hi-tech space to high-speed trains.

The material around which the wire is wrapped to create a temporary magnet

Materials required in the process are a big iron nail, 3 feet thick covered copper wire, D-cell battery, Wire strippers masking tape, as well as small objects like paper clips or buttons. 

Explain how an electromagnet is a temporary magnet?

An electromagnet is a temporary magnet magnetic field produced by the flow of the electric current in the coil wound around the soft iron core. The Electromagnet always uses the magnetic field effect of the electric current. That said, the wire carrying the current produces the magnetic field in the region around the wire.

Besides, it’s worth noting that the Electromagnet is a temporary magnet because the electromagnetic valve is made up of the insulated copper wire that is wrapped around the soft iron. Hence once you switch off the electric current, then there will be no flow of the electricity, and it will be losing the magnetic properties right there. So, it’s clear how electromagnets are temporary magnets.

What are the temporary magnets made of?

The temporary magnetic material is soft iron. They will be retaining their magnetism only when they are exposed to the electric current or the permanent magnet. Non- electromagnetic temporary magnets find the composition of soft magnetic materials, like annealed iron or steel. Again, the copper coil wound around a softcore is composed of ferromagnetic material. Solenoid-shaped magnets usually are copper coils that are also equipped with the optional ferromagnetic cylinder inside to enhance the magnetic field.

Name the material which can be used to make permanent magnet and temporary magnet

The material used for making a permanent magnet is ferromagnetic. The material is used for making the temporary magnet permanent for some time. The material used to make temporary magnet is soft iron that can retain the magnetic properties for the needed time.

Name two materials that can be used to make a temporary magnet

Iron and Cobalt are the two materials that you can use for making the temporary magnet. These materials will be behaving in the form of Magnet only when they are held near the strong magnet.

How can you make a temporary magnet?

You will have to follow certain steps when it comes to the question of how to make a temporary magnet.

Step 1: Gather Materials and Start Stroking, which is one of the most vital steps.

What you’ll need for the process is a magnet and the object you wish to magnetize. Small nails are a perfect idea. Pick up the object you wish to magnetize and pay attention to holding it lengthwise.

Step 2: Pick up your magnet and pay attention to putting it on or under the object.

Step 3: Now go ahead with moving the object back and forth, or move the magnet. But pay attention to doing this quickly.

Step 4: Now, consider taking the magnetized object and pick up the nails. By now, you can spot at least some attraction.


What is a temporary magnet called?

The temporary magnet that is consisting of the long coil of insulated copper wire wrapped around the soft iron core is referred to as an electromagnet.

What is a temporary magnet made of?

A temporary magnet serves as a magnet made of soft iron, usually easy to magnetize. But it’s worth noting that temporary magnets lose most of their magnetic properties when one discontinues the magnetizing.

What is not a temporary magnet?

Unlike permanent magnets, temporary magnets cannot remain magnetized on their own. So, the magnet that maintains the magnetism on its own is not a temporary magnet.

What is a good temporary magnet?

Soft iron and cobalt finds use in making a temporary magnet. These materials behave like magnets when they are near a strong magnet.

What are the types of temporary magnet?

Common temporary magnets include nails and paperclips. Another type of temporary magnet is an electromagnet that retains magnetism only when an electrical current is running through it. Common temporary magnets include Iron Nails, Screws, Metal Bolts, Kitchen Utensils (forks, knives, etc.), Paper Clips and Thumb Tacks.

What make a temporary magnet?

Temporary magnets are composed of soft metals, and only retain their magnetism when they are placed near a permanent magnetic field or electronic current. They stay magnetized in the presence of a magnetic field but lose their magnetism gradually when the magnetic field is removed.

Why is an electromagnet classified as a temporary magnet?

Iron has high magnetic permeability, and so it will be reinforcing the field generated by the wire. However, when the power from the battery stops, then the current will be stopping, and that means. This evidence means that a magnetic field in it won’t be permanent. This is the reason that electromagnets are referred to as temporary magnets.

Can a permanent magnet find reversal into a temporary magnet?

Domains of permanent magnetic, once aligned, do not undergo reversal easily. On the other hand, while the domains of a temporary magnet, once aligned, find reversal easily.

What is a temporary magnet produced using an electric current? An electromagnet is a temporary magnet that has a magnetic field created by an electric current. There’s a close connection between Electricity and magnetism. With electricity, there is a magnetic field and vice versa. An electromagnet is a term for a temporary magnet that uses electricity to produce magnetism.

Final words

You’ve got a vivid highlight on what is a temporary magnet and the different aspects of the temporary magnets. Besides, you’ve realized why is an electromagnet classified as a temporary magnet. A concept regarding these magnets becomes the key for understanding the properties of the magnets that you will be purchasing for the different needs. So, choose the magnets according to their properties and your needs.

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Sayani Dutta
Hi, I am Sayani Dutta who is an engineer, writer, professional blogger. My website Magnetproductsreview will give you a vivid insight into magnet-related topics. I love sharing my life experiences in the form of a blog. Over the years, I have researched a lot regarding magnets, and while examining them, I have learned a lot regarding their magnetic properties. I know that many people around the globe are also searching for the same topic on various sites. So I have come to the conclusion of putting all the information in one place. By sharing the ideas regarding magnetic materials, I can help people by not randomly searching for the concepts elsewhere. Starting from the properties of magnets, applications, and the different aspects, and the products available in the market, I and my team would like to highlight the essential things you want to learn about magnets. I have also gone through the various factors and make sure about listing the handpicked magnets that will give you the quality long-term benefits as desired. You will also come across the name of the shopping hubs where you can go ahead with magnet online shopping. The truthfulness that we stick to in the information that we provide makes us the best. Our website, in all circumstances, will cater to the needs of all the people regarding the information about magnets.


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